ID Manifold Icon


A utility node that generates a integer hash, a color ID, and a greyscale ID from the input geometry, based on a number of user-set criteria. Coupled with color variation or randomization nodes, this allows the user to shade effortlessly large scenes with natural looking variation.


Manifold Parameters

Manifold Type

The criteria to use when generating the outputs. It can create the randomization outputs based on the object, instance or assembly names or their IDs, and based on string matching via regular expressions [1]. It takes the following values

  • Object Name
  • Object Instance Name
  • Assembly Name
  • Assembly Instance Name
  • Face ID
  • String Prefix
  • String Suffix
  • Find String [2]

String Parameters

The string expression to search for in the object or instance name. This string can be a regular expression.

The domain of the input for the string matching with the Expression parameter. It can take the following values

  • Object Name
  • Object Instance Name
  • Assembly Name
  • Assembly Instance Name
The seed [3] to use when generating the randomization outputs.

Output Mode Parameters

Output Mode

The type of outputs created with the node. It can take the values

  • Hash Only
  • Hash & Greyscale Value
  • Hash, Greyscale & Color ID


Output Hash
The resulting integer hash.
Output ID
The resulting color ID.
Output Greyscale
The resulting greyscale ID.


[1]Regular expressions, or regex. If you’re unfamiliar with it, it allows the creation of complex patterns for string and substring matching. You can validate your expressions here at regex101.
[2]This mode tries to match the pattern anywhere in the string, while the two previous modes (string suffix and string prefix) try to match the beginning and the end of the string that was passed.
[3]A number used to initialize a pseudo random number generator, to allow some degree of determinism in a system. See random seed for more information.