Vary Color Icon


A color variation utility node, meant to automate the coloring and shading of large numbers of objects in a scene based on user-set criteria such as object or instance names or IDs.


Color Parameters

Input Color
The original input color.
Color Mode

How to apply the manifold color to the input color. The manifold generated value can be added to the input color, it can modulate the input color, or it can bypass it completely, via the parameters

  • Add
  • Scale
  • Override

Manifold Parameters

Manifold Type

The manifold type to use for the variation. It can take the following values

  • Object Name
  • Object Instance Name
  • Assembly Name
  • Assembly Instance Name
  • Face ID
  • String Prefix
  • String Suffix
  • Find String

String Parameters

When Manifold Type is set to String Prefix, String Suffix or Find String, the expression can be a regex [1] expression defining the pattern to search in the expression domain.

The domain to search the expression for. The domains can take the values

  • Object Name
  • Object Instance Name
  • Assembly Name
  • Assembly Instance Name
An extra seed to provide some measure of determinism in the resulting colors.

Variation Parameters

Variation Mode

This parameter controls what exactly is going to be randomized or vary, according to the user-set options outlined earlier. One can vary the individual (and/or full) components of the input color in HSV [2] space, in RGB or in CIELAB [3] space. Accordingly this parameter takes the following values

  • HSV
  • RGB
  • CIE L*a*b* 1976

HSV Variation Parameters

Vary Hue
The extent or scaling factor of the hue variation.
Vary Saturation
The extent or scaling factor of the saturation variation.
Vary Value
The extent or scaling factor of the value variation.

RGB Variation Parameters

Vary Red
The extent or scaling factor of the variation of the red channel.
Vary Green
The extent or scaling factor of the variation of the green channel.
Vary Blue
The extent or scaling factor of the variation of the blue channel.

CIELAB Variation Parameters

Vary L\*
The extent or scaling factor of the variation of the lightness or L\* channel.
Vary a\*
The extent or scaling factor of the variation of the a\* channel.
Vary b\*
The extent or scaling factor of the variation of the b\* channel.


Output Color
The resulting randomized color.
Output Hash
An integer hash ID.
Output ID
A color ID.
Output Greyscale
A greyscale ID.


[1]Regular expressions, or regex. If you’re unfamiliar with it, it allows the creation of complex patterns for string and substring matching. You can validate your expressions here at regex101.
[2]A different color representation based on hue, saturation and value. See HSV color space for more details.
[3]Also known as Lab color space, but it’s in fact referring to CIE 1976 L*a*b* color space, or CIELAB. See CIELAB color space for more details.